The Rochester Horizons Project program outline was presented to the GRAND MOUND ROCHESTER CITIZEN'S GROUP at their meeting Tuesday evening the 10th of March.
It is hoped this group will agree to join the Rochester Horizons Project as a partner. They are already a 501 c (3) organization with a mission of improving the Rochester and surrounding community.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Action Items Identified during the Study Circles Phase of the Rochester Horizons Project
- Rochester Horizons Project
Action Items Identified during the Study Circles Phase of the Rochester Horizons Project
Create community theme Experience Rochester (As a group – discover what Rochester has to offer.) Home based business, etc.
History & resources
Recreational opportunities that currently exist
Compile findings and update Resource Book
Newspaper (but here)
Contribute for existing newspaper
Distribute via website, electronic newsletter, visitor center, signage, community information fair, existing newspaper
Pictorial history @ visitors center/Historical center
School Admin (the existing) building for visitor/Historical center
Use of school facilities for education about community issues
Theater – Movie/Stage
Burma shave type “Welcome to community” signs
Concert in the park
Something interactive to incorporate community history
Bike trail/walking trail
Sidewalks & road shoulders
Combine college & Library center
Farmers market/business fair
Collaborate with schools/grub
Collaborate with community center (ROOF, Library, groups)
HIEFER Project (commercialize Swede Hall kitchen)
Youth & Senior Citizens involvement
Mentoring Church action groups
o Adult mentoring
o Parenting
o Cooking/baking
o Outdoor activities
o Building repairs to Swede Hall
Business listing (Billboard)
Bartering Co-op
Bus system
Satellite system for services – DSHS,, etc .,senior, college, feed banks, & counseling
Continued diligence against illegal drugs
Community signage (where things are, ie, parks, Lucky Eagle, freeway)
Electronic newsletter
Singles club
Resource training/education liaison
Center to include satellite offices for DSHS, Work Source, Food Banks, Senior & College counseling, Social Security)
Farmers market/business fair
Workshops for ethic education
Return of WIC to Rochester
Personal invitation helps build relationships to gain more involvement by other people
Build volunteer base for Library
Neighborhood watch
Buy locally
Resource/exchange (helping those who are hurting but don’t show it outwardly)
Involve high school students in community activities
Low-cost meals and additional state support for schools that pass levies
Entrepreneurship fair to educate people about potential apprenticeship programs
Local senior center has only 6 to 11 people show up for “senior meals”
Personal invitation helps build relationships to gain more involvement by other people
Community forum on “work ethic work-shop”
“Cash flow for Kids” game as a means of teaching financial responsibility
Make Rochester the Folk Dancing capitol of Washington State using Swede Hall as the focal point.
GIS partnership to train kids to be analysts
Fire department to use GIS for their trucks on way to a fire
We need to adopt a mission statement to incorporate technology teachings into the community
o Block Watch
o Involve middle school students and staff in some activity at the park
o Small groups needed to start “lending Circle”
o Discrimination - age, language culture etc.
o Unite various community groups
o New businesses/grow existing businesses
o Grow local jobs
o Guide local growth
o Art Tours
o Increase volunteerism
o Community pride - Flag at Post Office not displayed on holidays and other times
o Use of schools for community events
o Rochester Leadership
o Resource case-worker training
o Visitors Historical Center type of central information resource
Additional Things we can do to increase our ability to convince people/groups to invest in our community!
o Build a resume of successful small projects
o Keep track of volunteer hours on community projects which can then be used as matching funds
o Look at an organizational structure that will form the basis of getting started
Thursday, March 5, 2009
LeadershipPlenty Section
The LeadershipPlenty section was completed on Tuesday evenig (03-03-09) Our next meeting is to present the Rochester Horizons Project to the Grand Mound Rochester Citizen's Group on next Tuesday evening (03-10-09) at Swede Hall (On Albany Street 1/2 mile south of Hwy 12). The meeting starts at 7:00 PM and all Rochester residents are encouraged to attend.
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