Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project Steering Committee Meeting, December 17, 2009

Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
December 17, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

The meeting was called to order by Bill Liddle at 6:30 PM.

Introductions of those present: Joe Baisch, Donna Smith, Bill Liddle, and Suzanne Brown

Because so few members were present there was no discussions about previous meeting minutes, Treasurer’s or committee reports.

New Business:

Joe Baisch told us there is a trip scheduled to Tillamook, Oregon for Thursday January 28th, Friday the 29th and Saturday Morning the 30th. Ed Armstrong will be our host and introduce us to how Tillamook …the community…the school…and Tillamook’s business community have created a vision for it self that works for the long term interest of everyone who live there. 4 to 6 people from Rochester should go on this tour. Transportation and lodging will be furnished by Horizons. It was suggested that Jim Anderson or Kim Fry from the Rochester School District and Lowell Deguise should be among those who go. We need to think about room-mates so a mix of guy and gals can be accommodated.
Joe also said there is a state-wide Horizons conference in Moses Lake on March 18, 19, & 20 and that we should be thinking about who will attend.
Next meeting is Thursday, January 21, 2010 in the Rochester Community Center Conference Room

A couple of ideas for the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons were tossed around for consideration.

A Fire Chiefs Ball – with a “Street of Paris” theme done by school students by another Horizons group as a fund-raiser, which generated about $10,000.
At another Horizons group the local high school students spent one week in the spring where the high school classes competes against each other for a fund raising project.

Joe presented the group with a professionally done curriculum called “Money Smart” for teaching fiscal strategies to help individuals and families become better managers of their money. Donna Smith and Bill Liddle will contact the three local banks to see if they will partner with us to present this to the community.

It was suggested the Rochester Methodist Church Clothing Bank become a Horizons Committee. The form for them to fill out was given to Donna Smith to take to the Clothing Bank.

Contacts will be made to set up the group from here to go to Tillamook in January.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM

Respectfully submitted

Bill Liddle
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project Steering Committee Meeting, November 19, 2009

Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Steering Committee 11/19/09 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to order at 6:43 PM by Suzanne Brown

Introductions of those present: Suzanne Brown, Donna Smith, Joan Hitchcock, Domingo Zamudio, Bill Liddle, Janet Weaver

Donna Smith moved and it was seconded by Joan Hitchcock to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion was approved.

Treasurer’s report – No money yet so there is nothing to report

Sidewalks –Lowell Dequise is sick so there is no report on the Sidewalk committee.

Swimming Pools – No one to report on the status of the Swimming Pool committee.

Farmers Market – No one to report on the status of the Farmers Market committee.

Basic Computer Skills Class – Bill Liddle reported the second group of students is about half-way through the course. The next group will not begin until mid-January to early February. Anita McCoy at the Rochester High School will be contacted in regard to including RHS as a committee partner.

Old Gate School – Donna Smith commented the Old Gate School will be 100 years old next year and they are looking for ideas to promote the event.

Learning Center (Pre-school) – no report

Bill Liddle asked if the Rochester Independent Park could be included in the design by Jeanette McDonald’s students.

Domingo Zamudio commented that soccer is his main interest. He currently has 14 adult teams and thinks next year there will be 20. He is looking for an indoor place to play. This would give many youths an activity during the winter months. Donna Smith moved and Janet Weaver seconded adding his program of a soccer center to the program. Motion was approved.

The next meeting will be December 17th at the Rochester Library.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Respectively submitted

Bill Liddle
Grand Mound Rochester Steering Committee

Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project Steering Committee Meeting, November 19, 2009

Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Steering Committee 11/19/09 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to order at 6:43 PM by Suzanne Brown

Introductions of those present: Suzanne Brown, Donna Smith, Joan Hitchcock, Domingo Zamudio, Bill Liddle, Janet Weaver

Donna Smith moved and it was seconded by Joan Hitchcock to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion was approved.

Treasurer’s report – No money yet so there is nothing to report

Sidewalks –Lowell Dequise is sick so there is no report on the Sidewalk committee.

Swimming Pools – No one to report on the status of the Swimming Pool committee.

Farmers Market – No one to report on the status of the Farmers Market committee.

Basic Computer Skills Class – Bill Liddle reported the second group of students is about half-way through the course. The next group will not begin until mid-January to early February. Anita McCoy at the Rochester High School will be contacted in regard to including RHS as a committee partner.

Old Gate School – Donna Smith commented the Old Gate School will be 100 years old next year and they are looking for ideas to promote the event.

Learning Center (Pre-school) – no report

Bill Liddle asked if the Rochester Independent Park could be included in the design by Jeanette McDonald’s students.

Domingo Zamudio commented that soccer is his main interest. He currently has 14 adult teams and thinks next year there will be 20. He is looking for an indoor place to play. This would give many youths an activity during the winter months. Donna Smith moved and Janet Weaver seconded adding his program of a soccer center to the program. Motion was approved.

The next meeting will be December 17th at the Rochester Library.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Respectively submitted

Bill Liddle

SecretaryGrand Mound Rochester Steering Committee