Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project Steering Committee Meeting, April 21, 2009

Grand Mound Rochester Horizons April 21, 2009 Meeting @ Rochester Community Library

The meeting was called to order by Joe Baisch at 7:00 PM

Those present were: Joe Baisch, Joy Baisch, Suzanne Brown, Joan Hitchcock, Sheila Gray, Gene Weaver, Donna Smith, Marty Paterson, Stacy Winters, and Bill Liddle.

Joe summarized the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Activities during the period of the Fall 2008/Spring 2009 by stating we have finished the “Study Circles” and “Leadership Plenty” phases. Additionally, the Rochester Water Association has agreed to have the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project as a sub-committee of their organization. They are a IRS designated 501(c)6 non-profit. Joe also explained that our next step is the “Visioning” phase where we must survey at least 15% of the community asking for their input. This task is already underway with the survey questionnaire being sent by the Rochester Water Association.

The following people were selected/volunteered to serve in these positions for the coming year as the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Steering Committee. Susanne Brown, Co-chair; Bill Liddle, Secretary; and Joan Hitchcock, Treasurer. The positions of Steering Committee Vice-chair and Board Members remain unfilled at this time.

A discussion of the “Visioning Event” which will need to occur soon after the survey results have been received and analyzed. This event will bring the entire community together to select/propose projects to help reduce poverty in the area. It was tentatively agreed this event would be held at either the Rochester Middle School or the Rochester Community Center on Sunday afternoon, June 14, 2009. Donna Smith agreed to research a food caterer (possibly Bar-B-Que sandwiches & salads). Marty Paterson will check into location availability and promotion of the event with-in the community.

Joe mentioned one of the “Reduce Poverty” tasks already being initiated is a “Basic Computer Literacy” program for adults. Course materials are already in place and much of the preliminary planning has been done. This program will be for adults to help them become more employable.

No follow-up meeting was scheduled at this time because most, if not all, of the immediate issues can be transacted by e-mail. The next formal meeting will be set later and all interested individuals will be notified by e-mail.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle, Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project

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