Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
December 17, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
The meeting was called to order by Bill Liddle at 6:30 PM.
Introductions of those present: Joe Baisch, Donna Smith, Bill Liddle, and Suzanne Brown
Because so few members were present there was no discussions about previous meeting minutes, Treasurer’s or committee reports.
New Business:
Joe Baisch told us there is a trip scheduled to Tillamook, Oregon for Thursday January 28th, Friday the 29th and Saturday Morning the 30th. Ed Armstrong will be our host and introduce us to how Tillamook …the community…the school…and Tillamook’s business community have created a vision for it self that works for the long term interest of everyone who live there. 4 to 6 people from Rochester should go on this tour. Transportation and lodging will be furnished by Horizons. It was suggested that Jim Anderson or Kim Fry from the Rochester School District and Lowell Deguise should be among those who go. We need to think about room-mates so a mix of guy and gals can be accommodated.
Joe also said there is a state-wide Horizons conference in Moses Lake on March 18, 19, & 20 and that we should be thinking about who will attend.
Next meeting is Thursday, January 21, 2010 in the Rochester Community Center Conference Room
A couple of ideas for the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons were tossed around for consideration.
A Fire Chiefs Ball – with a “Street of Paris” theme done by school students by another Horizons group as a fund-raiser, which generated about $10,000.
At another Horizons group the local high school students spent one week in the spring where the high school classes competes against each other for a fund raising project.
Joe presented the group with a professionally done curriculum called “Money Smart” for teaching fiscal strategies to help individuals and families become better managers of their money. Donna Smith and Bill Liddle will contact the three local banks to see if they will partner with us to present this to the community.
It was suggested the Rochester Methodist Church Clothing Bank become a Horizons Committee. The form for them to fill out was given to Donna Smith to take to the Clothing Bank.
Contacts will be made to set up the group from here to go to Tillamook in January.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM
Respectfully submitted
Bill Liddle
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project Steering Committee Meeting, November 19, 2009
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Steering Committee 11/19/09 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to order at 6:43 PM by Suzanne Brown
Introductions of those present: Suzanne Brown, Donna Smith, Joan Hitchcock, Domingo Zamudio, Bill Liddle, Janet Weaver
Donna Smith moved and it was seconded by Joan Hitchcock to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s report – No money yet so there is nothing to report
Sidewalks –Lowell Dequise is sick so there is no report on the Sidewalk committee.
Swimming Pools – No one to report on the status of the Swimming Pool committee.
Farmers Market – No one to report on the status of the Farmers Market committee.
Basic Computer Skills Class – Bill Liddle reported the second group of students is about half-way through the course. The next group will not begin until mid-January to early February. Anita McCoy at the Rochester High School will be contacted in regard to including RHS as a committee partner.
Old Gate School – Donna Smith commented the Old Gate School will be 100 years old next year and they are looking for ideas to promote the event.
Learning Center (Pre-school) – no report
Bill Liddle asked if the Rochester Independent Park could be included in the design by Jeanette McDonald’s students.
Domingo Zamudio commented that soccer is his main interest. He currently has 14 adult teams and thinks next year there will be 20. He is looking for an indoor place to play. This would give many youths an activity during the winter months. Donna Smith moved and Janet Weaver seconded adding his program of a soccer center to the program. Motion was approved.
The next meeting will be December 17th at the Rochester Library.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
Grand Mound Rochester Steering Committee
Meeting Called to order at 6:43 PM by Suzanne Brown
Introductions of those present: Suzanne Brown, Donna Smith, Joan Hitchcock, Domingo Zamudio, Bill Liddle, Janet Weaver
Donna Smith moved and it was seconded by Joan Hitchcock to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s report – No money yet so there is nothing to report
Sidewalks –Lowell Dequise is sick so there is no report on the Sidewalk committee.
Swimming Pools – No one to report on the status of the Swimming Pool committee.
Farmers Market – No one to report on the status of the Farmers Market committee.
Basic Computer Skills Class – Bill Liddle reported the second group of students is about half-way through the course. The next group will not begin until mid-January to early February. Anita McCoy at the Rochester High School will be contacted in regard to including RHS as a committee partner.
Old Gate School – Donna Smith commented the Old Gate School will be 100 years old next year and they are looking for ideas to promote the event.
Learning Center (Pre-school) – no report
Bill Liddle asked if the Rochester Independent Park could be included in the design by Jeanette McDonald’s students.
Domingo Zamudio commented that soccer is his main interest. He currently has 14 adult teams and thinks next year there will be 20. He is looking for an indoor place to play. This would give many youths an activity during the winter months. Donna Smith moved and Janet Weaver seconded adding his program of a soccer center to the program. Motion was approved.
The next meeting will be December 17th at the Rochester Library.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
Grand Mound Rochester Steering Committee
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project Steering Committee Meeting, November 19, 2009
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Steering Committee 11/19/09 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to order at 6:43 PM by Suzanne Brown
Introductions of those present: Suzanne Brown, Donna Smith, Joan Hitchcock, Domingo Zamudio, Bill Liddle, Janet Weaver
Donna Smith moved and it was seconded by Joan Hitchcock to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s report – No money yet so there is nothing to report
Sidewalks –Lowell Dequise is sick so there is no report on the Sidewalk committee.
Swimming Pools – No one to report on the status of the Swimming Pool committee.
Farmers Market – No one to report on the status of the Farmers Market committee.
Basic Computer Skills Class – Bill Liddle reported the second group of students is about half-way through the course. The next group will not begin until mid-January to early February. Anita McCoy at the Rochester High School will be contacted in regard to including RHS as a committee partner.
Old Gate School – Donna Smith commented the Old Gate School will be 100 years old next year and they are looking for ideas to promote the event.
Learning Center (Pre-school) – no report
Bill Liddle asked if the Rochester Independent Park could be included in the design by Jeanette McDonald’s students.
Domingo Zamudio commented that soccer is his main interest. He currently has 14 adult teams and thinks next year there will be 20. He is looking for an indoor place to play. This would give many youths an activity during the winter months. Donna Smith moved and Janet Weaver seconded adding his program of a soccer center to the program. Motion was approved.
The next meeting will be December 17th at the Rochester Library.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
SecretaryGrand Mound Rochester Steering Committee
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
May I remind you to keep a log of the hours you spend on any of the Horizons projects. These should be e-mailed to me ( ) at the end of each month for our records. Many grants require a certain percentage of the total project funding to come from the local community. Each of your "in-kind" hours provide approximately $20.00 toward this local project funding when applying for many grants. You may download and print a log form by going to this website:
Grand Mound Rochester October 29, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Grand Mound Rochester
October 29, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order by Chair Suzanne Brown at 6:43 PM
Those present were Lowell & Kathy Deguise, Donna Smith, Suzanne Brown, Bill Liddle, Bryan & Danette Jones, Joan Hitchcock, and Joe Baisch.
Joan Hitchcock moved and Donna Smith seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion approved.
Treasurer Joan Hitchcock gave Bill Liddle gas cards for his mileage for the training trip to Long Beach on October 16th. She also reported the application for the $1,500 grant from Northwest Area Foundation as part of the Horizon Program still needs to be completed. A discussion followed with the decision the actual wording is to be developed by Suzanne Brown and then faxed to Joe Baisch by Wednesday, November 4th. The money is to be used for the benefit of our community along with reducing poverty in the Grand Mound Rochester community.
Joe Baisch gave us a short report of things we might think about doing. He will expand on it in later meetings.
Committee Reports
Sidewalks - Lowell Deguise showed copies of the plans that were need for the three previous sidewalk projects in Rochester in front of his buildings. Lowell also reported on the meeting between personnel from Thurston County, Washington DOT, Rochester School District and himself talking about the safety issue surrounding sidewalks through Rochester. These agencies have no immediate plans to construct sidewalks any time soon but they are now aware Rochester will continue to pursue the issue with them. They basically tried to discourage him by outlining the many time consuming requirements, which must be completed making this a multi-year project. He is looking for an engineering company to provide a "pro bono" design for the sidewalk. There was also considerable discussion about the relationship between the Tribe and the Rochester community centering around how it might be enhanced.
Danette Jones related her disappointment over all the roadblocks she has encountered in trying to pursue swimming pools for Rochester. She asked if the property between the old Rochester School District office and the Post Office would be a potential and also who owned it. A lengthy discussion about other people, properties, and methods for seeking a suitable property. She was given suggestions on how to approach potential property owners about using their vacant land.
A motion to accept the Old Gate School Group as a Horizons committee was offered by Lowell Deguise and seconded by Joan Hitchcock, which was approved.
Danette Jones spoke about a pre-school proposal, which was tabled until our next meeting. She was given blank committee forms to fill out and bring to our next meeting for action.
It was decided our future monthly meetings would be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. November 19th will be the date of our next meeting.
The lateness of the hour prevented reports from the Farmers Market and Basic Computer Skills committees.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
Grand Mound Rochester Steering Committee
P. O. Box 1162
Rochester, WA 98579
October 29, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order by Chair Suzanne Brown at 6:43 PM
Those present were Lowell & Kathy Deguise, Donna Smith, Suzanne Brown, Bill Liddle, Bryan & Danette Jones, Joan Hitchcock, and Joe Baisch.
Joan Hitchcock moved and Donna Smith seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion approved.
Treasurer Joan Hitchcock gave Bill Liddle gas cards for his mileage for the training trip to Long Beach on October 16th. She also reported the application for the $1,500 grant from Northwest Area Foundation as part of the Horizon Program still needs to be completed. A discussion followed with the decision the actual wording is to be developed by Suzanne Brown and then faxed to Joe Baisch by Wednesday, November 4th. The money is to be used for the benefit of our community along with reducing poverty in the Grand Mound Rochester community.
Joe Baisch gave us a short report of things we might think about doing. He will expand on it in later meetings.
Committee Reports
Sidewalks - Lowell Deguise showed copies of the plans that were need for the three previous sidewalk projects in Rochester in front of his buildings. Lowell also reported on the meeting between personnel from Thurston County, Washington DOT, Rochester School District and himself talking about the safety issue surrounding sidewalks through Rochester. These agencies have no immediate plans to construct sidewalks any time soon but they are now aware Rochester will continue to pursue the issue with them. They basically tried to discourage him by outlining the many time consuming requirements, which must be completed making this a multi-year project. He is looking for an engineering company to provide a "pro bono" design for the sidewalk. There was also considerable discussion about the relationship between the Tribe and the Rochester community centering around how it might be enhanced.
Danette Jones related her disappointment over all the roadblocks she has encountered in trying to pursue swimming pools for Rochester. She asked if the property between the old Rochester School District office and the Post Office would be a potential and also who owned it. A lengthy discussion about other people, properties, and methods for seeking a suitable property. She was given suggestions on how to approach potential property owners about using their vacant land.
A motion to accept the Old Gate School Group as a Horizons committee was offered by Lowell Deguise and seconded by Joan Hitchcock, which was approved.
Danette Jones spoke about a pre-school proposal, which was tabled until our next meeting. She was given blank committee forms to fill out and bring to our next meeting for action.
It was decided our future monthly meetings would be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. November 19th will be the date of our next meeting.
The lateness of the hour prevented reports from the Farmers Market and Basic Computer Skills committees.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
Grand Mound Rochester Steering Committee
P. O. Box 1162
Rochester, WA 98579
Saturday, October 31, 2009
WSU Sociology Students at Work for You!
Sociology 433, an undergraduate class at Washington State University, has been researching options and resources for topics that are important to your rural communities as you work to reduce poverty. Topics include: affordable housing, neighborhood safety, youth activities and much, much more.
Your community may be in contact with one of these teams, but all of their research may be relevant to the issues you are addressing. Click to the Horizons website to read about their work.
Your community may be in contact with one of these teams, but all of their research may be relevant to the issues you are addressing. Click to the Horizons website to read about their work.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Grand Mound Rochester September 23, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
The draft minutes of the September 23, 2009 Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) Steering Committee meeting are posted below. They are subject to correction and approval at the next GMRH Steering Committee meeting on October 21st.
Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only several from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list. The larger project list can be found here Copies of steering committee meeting minutes will be posted on this website so check often to stay current with what is happening.
Bill Liddle
Steering Committee Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
Grand Mound Rochester September 23, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chair Suzanne Brown at 6:35 PM. Those present were Joe Baisch, Donna Smith, Joy Baisch, Suzanne Brown, Domingo Zamidio, and Bill Liddle.
We each introduced ourselves to Domingo. Suzanne gave him a short review of what Grand Mound Rochester Horizons is involved in.
Minutes of the last two meetings were handed out to those present. They had been previously e-mailed out to all on the e-mail list and no comments, corrections, additions, or deletions have been received so they will stand as approved.
Treasurers Report: Treasurer Joan Hitchcock will not be present because of a conflict in her schedule but she called to say there is nothing to report as the grant money has not yet been received from Northwest Area Foundation.
Old Business:
Farmers Market Committee: The committee chair was not present to give a report. Joy Baisch described a new business available for slaughtering and processing meat out in the field called “Puget Sound Meat Producers Cooperative.” It is a mobile unit that provides USDA inspected meat processing and is available to small animal raisers who then can sell the meat locally.
Sidewalk Committee Report: Lowell Deguise called just prior to the meeting and said he an emergency would prevent him from attending but reported the sidewalks meeting had to be rescheduled to Sept 30th. Donna Smith said she found out there is a revitalization program, which could possibly partially fund the sidewalk project but we don’t qualify because we are not a city. If Thurston County designated Rochester as a revitalization area we would qualify. She talked to a Scot ? at the county to inquire if any action was underway to include Rochester in one. Scot told her there has been a (LAMRID, Limited area of more intense development) for Rochester which could potentially work because it included specific boundary lines for the Rochester area. Scot will work to have Rochester designated as a revitalization area. Donna will convey this information to Lowell.
Swimming Pool Committee Report: Dannet Jones could not attend but sent an e-mail report to Bill which is included.
Minutes of the last two meetings were handed out to those present. They had been previously e-mailed out to all on the e-mail list and no comments, corrections, additions, or deletions have been received so they will stand as approved.
Treasurers Report: Treasurer Joan Hitchcock will not be present because of a conflict in her schedule but she called to say there is nothing to report as the grant money has not yet been received from Northwest Area Foundation.
Old Business:
Farmers Market Committee: The committee chair was not present to give a report. Joy Baisch described a new business available for slaughtering and processing meat out in the field called “Puget Sound Meat Producers Cooperative.” It is a mobile unit that provides USDA inspected meat processing and is available to small animal raisers who then can sell the meat locally.
Sidewalk Committee Report: Lowell Deguise called just prior to the meeting and said he an emergency would prevent him from attending but reported the sidewalks meeting had to be rescheduled to Sept 30th. Donna Smith said she found out there is a revitalization program, which could possibly partially fund the sidewalk project but we don’t qualify because we are not a city. If Thurston County designated Rochester as a revitalization area we would qualify. She talked to a Scot ? at the county to inquire if any action was underway to include Rochester in one. Scot told her there has been a (LAMRID, Limited area of more intense development) for Rochester which could potentially work because it included specific boundary lines for the Rochester area. Scot will work to have Rochester designated as a revitalization area. Donna will convey this information to Lowell.
Swimming Pool Committee Report: Dannet Jones could not attend but sent an e-mail report to Bill which is included.
1. After the pools and spray park are constructed, Thorbecke's would highly consider managing it for the community.
2. The Feed Bin owner gave me names and numbers of the owners of the old Rite Aid building and thought they may be interested in housing a community center and would be willing to partner in the construction of a swimming pool and spray park...I need to touch base with the owners very soon!
3. We need someone that has time during the day to call the county and see what the regulations are in regards to public swimming pools on septic systems or if they have to be on City Water and septic...this could determine whether or not the pools and spray park would be located in Grand Mound or Rochester....any volunteers in helping us in this area, as we are both consumed during the day with our day jobs and do not have access to phones.
4. The Feed Bin and Quizno's have been donating $$'s towards Dollars For Dreams....a mission project by the Rochester United Methodist Church JAM Club that would like to contribute all monies towards sidewalks, swimming pools, and other efforts initiated by Horizons and is given directly back to the community, making Rochester and Grand Mound an even better place to live.
5. Rumor is that the Chehalis Tribe is also trying to construct a swimming pool, if this is true, we would like to know if all citizens would be allowed access, if so, the JAM club would like to donate funds towards the project. However, I've tried contacting the tribe via e-mail with no success, is anyone interested trying to contact them by phone? Please let me know if you may be interested.
6. Looked at a swimming pool and home next to scatter creek....absolutely gorgeous, the old Fletcher home. I would love to own it myself, but the husband said no. I even had the Rochester United Methodist Church pastor consider it as a parsonage and community center...I think he said no too without saying a word. Bottom line, the pool would be too small for swimming competitions, but great for family gatherings, weddings, and small retreats....anyone want to buy it for the community as a start?
7. Curtis Beagley who works at the Great Wolf Lodge can get me a meeting with the pool specialist when the time comes that we need more specific information and I know exactly what I need to me brainstorm what I should ask them please. Thanks!
8. I've called Olympia Fireplace and Spa for pool construction information, they gave me some leads, but no one has returned my phone calls as of yet.
9. Bryan Jones is keeping an eye out for people that he works alongside who may build pools when he is on the construction job sites.
10. I've got a name and number of a concrete specialist. Thanks everyone! I hope this update helps and please keep sending us more ideas. Danette and Bryan Jones
Basic Computer Literacy Committee: Bill Liddle reported the first class of two students was completed August 28th. Two new classes are scheduled to start October 5th. These will be on Mondays and Wednesdays; one from 9 to 11 AM and the other from 7 to 9 PM.
Possible inclusion of Old Gate School as a project committee was tabled until the next meeting.
Joe Baisch told us Jeanette McCoy from WSU will be in the area this fall with her students to look at several projects in Rochester. These could be the Rochester Community Center, Main Street revitalization, the Blueberry processing plant and possibly others. He will keep us informed of her schedule so we can be available to join them on their tour of our area.
Joy asked for volunteers to attend the training session for “Selling Sponsorships and Generating Revenue with Festivals & Events” being held in Long Beach, WA on Friday, October 16th. Suzanne and Bill both indicated they would attend. Suzanne will contact others about attending.
The next meeting was set for Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 6:30 PM.
Meeting adjorned at 8:00 PM
Bill Liddle
Steering Committee Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
2. The Feed Bin owner gave me names and numbers of the owners of the old Rite Aid building and thought they may be interested in housing a community center and would be willing to partner in the construction of a swimming pool and spray park...I need to touch base with the owners very soon!
3. We need someone that has time during the day to call the county and see what the regulations are in regards to public swimming pools on septic systems or if they have to be on City Water and septic...this could determine whether or not the pools and spray park would be located in Grand Mound or Rochester....any volunteers in helping us in this area, as we are both consumed during the day with our day jobs and do not have access to phones.
4. The Feed Bin and Quizno's have been donating $$'s towards Dollars For Dreams....a mission project by the Rochester United Methodist Church JAM Club that would like to contribute all monies towards sidewalks, swimming pools, and other efforts initiated by Horizons and is given directly back to the community, making Rochester and Grand Mound an even better place to live.
5. Rumor is that the Chehalis Tribe is also trying to construct a swimming pool, if this is true, we would like to know if all citizens would be allowed access, if so, the JAM club would like to donate funds towards the project. However, I've tried contacting the tribe via e-mail with no success, is anyone interested trying to contact them by phone? Please let me know if you may be interested.
6. Looked at a swimming pool and home next to scatter creek....absolutely gorgeous, the old Fletcher home. I would love to own it myself, but the husband said no. I even had the Rochester United Methodist Church pastor consider it as a parsonage and community center...I think he said no too without saying a word. Bottom line, the pool would be too small for swimming competitions, but great for family gatherings, weddings, and small retreats....anyone want to buy it for the community as a start?
7. Curtis Beagley who works at the Great Wolf Lodge can get me a meeting with the pool specialist when the time comes that we need more specific information and I know exactly what I need to me brainstorm what I should ask them please. Thanks!
8. I've called Olympia Fireplace and Spa for pool construction information, they gave me some leads, but no one has returned my phone calls as of yet.
9. Bryan Jones is keeping an eye out for people that he works alongside who may build pools when he is on the construction job sites.
10. I've got a name and number of a concrete specialist. Thanks everyone! I hope this update helps and please keep sending us more ideas. Danette and Bryan Jones
Basic Computer Literacy Committee: Bill Liddle reported the first class of two students was completed August 28th. Two new classes are scheduled to start October 5th. These will be on Mondays and Wednesdays; one from 9 to 11 AM and the other from 7 to 9 PM.
Possible inclusion of Old Gate School as a project committee was tabled until the next meeting.
Joe Baisch told us Jeanette McCoy from WSU will be in the area this fall with her students to look at several projects in Rochester. These could be the Rochester Community Center, Main Street revitalization, the Blueberry processing plant and possibly others. He will keep us informed of her schedule so we can be available to join them on their tour of our area.
Joy asked for volunteers to attend the training session for “Selling Sponsorships and Generating Revenue with Festivals & Events” being held in Long Beach, WA on Friday, October 16th. Suzanne and Bill both indicated they would attend. Suzanne will contact others about attending.
The next meeting was set for Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 6:30 PM.
Meeting adjorned at 8:00 PM
Bill Liddle
Steering Committee Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
Friday, September 4, 2009
Steering Committee Meeting, September 02, 2009 @ Rochester Community Library

Steering Committee Meeting, September 02, 2009 @ Rochester Community Library

Gene Weaver, Joe Baisch, Jerry Uribe, Doreen Houser/Lindstrom and Joy Baisch at the September 02, 2009 Rochester Horizinos Steering Committee meetint at the Rochester Community Library
Steering Committee Meeting, September 02, 2009 @ Rochester Community Library

Chair, Suzanne Brown, Janet Weaver, Kathy Deguise, Lowell Deguise, Gene Weaver and Joe Baisch at the Steering Committee Meeting, September 02, 2009 in the Rochester Community Library
Draft minutes of the September 02, 2009 Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) Steering Committee meeting
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons P. O. Box 1162Rochester, WA 98579
Steering Committee Meeting, September 02, 2009 @ Rochester Community Library
Steering Committee Meeting, September 02, 2009 @ Rochester Community Library
Joe Baisch called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Those present were: Suzanne Brown, Donna Smith, Lowell Deguise, Kathy Deguise, Gene Weaver, Janet Weaver, Shelia Gray, Joe Basich, Joy Baisch, Joan Hitchcock, Blair Wolfley, Director, WSU Extension Southern Region, and Bill Liddle from the Rochester Horizons. Also in attendance were: Jerry Uribe, Grant Officer with Northwest Area Foundation, Doreen Houser/Lindstrom, Program Director, WSU Horizons Program, Cindy McHargue, Fiscal Administrator, WSU Horizons Program (Cindy is truly the glue that does all the Admin for the State Horizons Program) and Taryn A. Hecker, a photographer/writer traveling with them. The purpose of the meeting was to allow Jerry Uribe to see what the Rochester Horizons Project is and to answer any questions we might have about the program.
A short description of our Basic Computer Literacy class was presented along with an extended discussion of the Rochester Sidewalk project.
We adjourned at 3:00 PM to travel to Mossy Rock where the meeting would continue with the Pe El, Mossy Rock and Onalaska Horizons groups joining in. A presentation by Jeanette Mc Coy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Design Institute, WSU-Spokane. She spoke about the designs for restoring old buildings to community use in Ritzville, Sprague, Kettle Falls, Springdale, and Pe El as part of the Horzions program in Washington State.
Jerry Uribe spoke briefly about the Northwest Area Foundation and how they are thinking about the future. He also answered questions from the group.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
SecretaryGrand Mound Rochester Horizons Project
The draft minutes of the September 02, 2009 Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) Steering Committee meeting are subject to correction and approval at the next GMRH Steering Committee meeting on September 23rd.
Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only several from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list.
The draft minutes of the September 02, 2009 Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) Steering Committee meeting are subject to correction and approval at the next GMRH Steering Committee meeting on September 23rd.
Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only several from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Draft minutes of the August 26, 2009 Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) Steering Committee meeting
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
P. O. Box 1162
Rochester, WA 98579
Steering Committee Meeting, August 26, 2009 @ Rochester Community Center
Chair Suzanne Brown called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM
Those present were: Suzanne Brown, Donna Smith, Lowell Deguise, Kathy Deguise, Roy Browning, Marty Paterson, Vivian Eason, Joe Basich, Joy Baisch, and Bill Liddle
Joy Baisch explained about the two meetings on the 2nd of September. These meetings will be with individuals from Northwest Foundations who have provided the funding for the Horizons Projects. One meeting will be here in Rochester, at the Rochester Community Library, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM We then will all move to Mossyrock for the meeting with all Thurston and Lewis County Horizons Projects at 3:45 pm.
Joe also talked about the design team that did the Ritzville Horizons project and said a similar resource can be made available to the Rochester Horizons Project. This would be of great value to the Rochester Community Center courtyard project and perhaps others.
Minutes of the previous meeting were handed out. The Treasurer was not present so no report.
Sidewalks - Lowell Deguise gave us a report on getting funding for the sidewalks along Hwy 12 through town. There is quite a bit of funding available but unfortunately, Rochester is not eligible to receive them for several reasons: we are not incorporated; we don’t have set boundary lines drawn on a map; The entire Thurston County area has a “too high” adjusted income level and has been disqualified to participate in many Federal grants; our “people served to project cost” ratio is too low which eliminates us from consideration on most grants; Thurston County and Wash. DOT have no available funding for safety projects beyond those already in progress.
Lowell said he will continue to pursue grant funding for sidewalks.
Swimming Pools - Byron and Danette Jones were not present but Donna Smith mentioned she had suggested they check with the Tenino Quarry Pool for their cost to maintain their pool. It was also suggested they check into the possibility of a partnership with Thoerbeck’s to provide pool access.
Basic Computer Literacy Classes – Bill Liddle reported the first group of two students finished their course on Monday, August 24th. They completed the 42-hour course in 30 hours of instruction. The next class will begin in October. Suzanne provided the name of an individual who was interested and Bill said he was aware of four others who expressed interest in the course.
Joy Baisch asked for us to consider what types of training we might desire. Lowell wants training for grant writing and Joe indicated there is some available.
The next steering committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 23rd at either the Rochester Community Center Conference room or the Rochester Community Library.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle, Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project
P. O. Box 1162
Rochester, WA 98579
Steering Committee Meeting, August 26, 2009 @ Rochester Community Center
Chair Suzanne Brown called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM
Those present were: Suzanne Brown, Donna Smith, Lowell Deguise, Kathy Deguise, Roy Browning, Marty Paterson, Vivian Eason, Joe Basich, Joy Baisch, and Bill Liddle
Joy Baisch explained about the two meetings on the 2nd of September. These meetings will be with individuals from Northwest Foundations who have provided the funding for the Horizons Projects. One meeting will be here in Rochester, at the Rochester Community Library, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM We then will all move to Mossyrock for the meeting with all Thurston and Lewis County Horizons Projects at 3:45 pm.
Joe also talked about the design team that did the Ritzville Horizons project and said a similar resource can be made available to the Rochester Horizons Project. This would be of great value to the Rochester Community Center courtyard project and perhaps others.
Minutes of the previous meeting were handed out. The Treasurer was not present so no report.
Sidewalks - Lowell Deguise gave us a report on getting funding for the sidewalks along Hwy 12 through town. There is quite a bit of funding available but unfortunately, Rochester is not eligible to receive them for several reasons: we are not incorporated; we don’t have set boundary lines drawn on a map; The entire Thurston County area has a “too high” adjusted income level and has been disqualified to participate in many Federal grants; our “people served to project cost” ratio is too low which eliminates us from consideration on most grants; Thurston County and Wash. DOT have no available funding for safety projects beyond those already in progress.
Lowell said he will continue to pursue grant funding for sidewalks.
Swimming Pools - Byron and Danette Jones were not present but Donna Smith mentioned she had suggested they check with the Tenino Quarry Pool for their cost to maintain their pool. It was also suggested they check into the possibility of a partnership with Thoerbeck’s to provide pool access.
Basic Computer Literacy Classes – Bill Liddle reported the first group of two students finished their course on Monday, August 24th. They completed the 42-hour course in 30 hours of instruction. The next class will begin in October. Suzanne provided the name of an individual who was interested and Bill said he was aware of four others who expressed interest in the course.
Joy Baisch asked for us to consider what types of training we might desire. Lowell wants training for grant writing and Joe indicated there is some available.
The next steering committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 23rd at either the Rochester Community Center Conference room or the Rochester Community Library.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle, Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project Planning Sheets
For those who are beginning a new activity there are project planning sheets available for your use. You can print them out by going to this web page.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Draft minutes of last nights Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) Steering Committee meeting
The draft minutes of last nights Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) Steering Committee meeting are posted below. They are subject to correction and approval at the next GMRH Steering Committee meeting on August 26th.
Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only four from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list. The larger project list and copies of steering committee meeting minutes will be posted on the website (there is a link to the GMRH section on the home page) in a few days and also on the GMRH blogspot at: so check both websites often to stay current with what is happening.
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
P. O. Box 1162
Rochester, WA 98579
Steering Committee Meeting, July 22, 2009 @ Old Gate School
Secretary Bill Liddle called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM
Those present were: Donna Smith, Sandra Cornell, Holly Hamilton, Lester Olson, Lowell Deguise, Kathy Deguise, June Gelvin, Janet Weaver, Gene Weaver, Kathy Clohesy, Joan Hitchcock, Bryon Jones, Danette Jones, Billie Smith, Vivian Eason, Tony Hawes, Shauna Hawes, Joy Baisch, and Bill Liddle
Each person present introduced themselves and their association with the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) group.
Joy Baisch and Bill Liddle presented some housekeeping matters such as a short history of the group, the new postal address, the use of the time-log sheet and its importance, money that will be available for training and professional development, etc.
There was a short discussion of the function of Rochester water Association as the umbrella organization for GMRH.
Farmers Market - Sandra Cornell updated the group on the status of this project. She explained the committee has already done considerable research. A presentation was made to the Rochester School District asking for permission to use the parking lot at the Rochester Middle School, which was given. Because of timing and the issue of liability insurance this project will not go this year but is planned for the 2010, growing season.
Sidewalks - Lowell Deguise gave us a short history of getting sidewalks along Hwy 12 through town. He said the first phase would be completing the sidewalk on the south side of Hwy 12 from Albany St./Littlerock Rd. to the Rochester Middle School. Later phases would encompass sidewalks on both sides of Hwy 12 between Bailey's IGA and Larry's Chevron. Lowell said there are several agencies, which have jurisdiction over how sidewalks are designed and built in this area. They included Washington DOT and Thurston County as well as environmental agencies. Earlier discussions with these agencies and the affected property owners indicated they were all receptive to the project.
Ultimately the plan is to continue a walking trail from Larry's Chevron on east to the Primary and Elementary schools.
Swimming Pools - Byron and Danette Jones are interested in a project to construct a swimming pool, or pools, in the area. They explained there is much community interest but seems to be little commitment to get this project going. One of the problems they have encountered is finding a location to build the pool or pools. They were given several suggestions about avenues to proceed. These included looking for someone who is willing to donate property for the project and checking into the availability of publicly owned property along the Chehalis or Black rivers that might developed into swimming areas on a leased or mutual agreement basis.
Basic Computer Literacy Classes - Bill Liddle described the scope of the classes as instruction on the fundamentals of using a computer, using the internet for searching and e-mail, word processing and spreadsheets. The class consists of 42 hours of instruction taught in two-hour segments. The first class was started with two students the beginning of this month. While these free classes are open to anyone, there are two primary groups that will be targeted; seniors who are wanting to learn about computers but too timid to explore them on their own and those who need basic computer skills to improve their prospect of employment.
The next steering committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 26th at a location yet to be determined.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle, Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project
Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only four from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list. The larger project list and copies of steering committee meeting minutes will be posted on the website (there is a link to the GMRH section on the home page) in a few days and also on the GMRH blogspot at: so check both websites often to stay current with what is happening.
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
P. O. Box 1162
Rochester, WA 98579
Steering Committee Meeting, July 22, 2009 @ Old Gate School
Secretary Bill Liddle called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM
Those present were: Donna Smith, Sandra Cornell, Holly Hamilton, Lester Olson, Lowell Deguise, Kathy Deguise, June Gelvin, Janet Weaver, Gene Weaver, Kathy Clohesy, Joan Hitchcock, Bryon Jones, Danette Jones, Billie Smith, Vivian Eason, Tony Hawes, Shauna Hawes, Joy Baisch, and Bill Liddle
Each person present introduced themselves and their association with the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons (GMRH) group.
Joy Baisch and Bill Liddle presented some housekeeping matters such as a short history of the group, the new postal address, the use of the time-log sheet and its importance, money that will be available for training and professional development, etc.
There was a short discussion of the function of Rochester water Association as the umbrella organization for GMRH.
Farmers Market - Sandra Cornell updated the group on the status of this project. She explained the committee has already done considerable research. A presentation was made to the Rochester School District asking for permission to use the parking lot at the Rochester Middle School, which was given. Because of timing and the issue of liability insurance this project will not go this year but is planned for the 2010, growing season.
Sidewalks - Lowell Deguise gave us a short history of getting sidewalks along Hwy 12 through town. He said the first phase would be completing the sidewalk on the south side of Hwy 12 from Albany St./Littlerock Rd. to the Rochester Middle School. Later phases would encompass sidewalks on both sides of Hwy 12 between Bailey's IGA and Larry's Chevron. Lowell said there are several agencies, which have jurisdiction over how sidewalks are designed and built in this area. They included Washington DOT and Thurston County as well as environmental agencies. Earlier discussions with these agencies and the affected property owners indicated they were all receptive to the project.
Ultimately the plan is to continue a walking trail from Larry's Chevron on east to the Primary and Elementary schools.
Swimming Pools - Byron and Danette Jones are interested in a project to construct a swimming pool, or pools, in the area. They explained there is much community interest but seems to be little commitment to get this project going. One of the problems they have encountered is finding a location to build the pool or pools. They were given several suggestions about avenues to proceed. These included looking for someone who is willing to donate property for the project and checking into the availability of publicly owned property along the Chehalis or Black rivers that might developed into swimming areas on a leased or mutual agreement basis.
Basic Computer Literacy Classes - Bill Liddle described the scope of the classes as instruction on the fundamentals of using a computer, using the internet for searching and e-mail, word processing and spreadsheets. The class consists of 42 hours of instruction taught in two-hour segments. The first class was started with two students the beginning of this month. While these free classes are open to anyone, there are two primary groups that will be targeted; seniors who are wanting to learn about computers but too timid to explore them on their own and those who need basic computer skills to improve their prospect of employment.
The next steering committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 26th at a location yet to be determined.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle, Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Rochester Horizons Visioning Event, June 14, 2009
Photos from the Visioning Event, Sunday, June 14, 2009.
Lunch was served starting at 1:30PM as people arrived.
After lunch and an explanation of the Rochester Horizons Project to the assemble community members we then went to the several wall charts to see what projects had been proposed.
These charts were then taken to the tables where people could gather around the project they were interested in working on and learn more about what is involved.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Rochester Horizons Project Volunteer Log (Time Sheet)
You can print out a copy of the Horizons - Community Leadership to Reduce Poverty Project Volunteer Log (Time Sheet) which is a PDF (Portable Data File) by Clicking here
You will need Adobe Reader to open the file. You can download a free copy of the Adobe Reader from their website at
Rochester Horizons Visioning Event
A Rochester Community Event
The Luncheon to present "The Rochester Horizons Project" to the Rochester Community was held on June 14, 2009 from 1;00 TO 3:00 pm at the Rochester Community Center. It included BBQ pulled pork for sandwiches & a salad plus many brought additional foods. Approximately 50 local residents attended to event. After the meal, they heard Joe and Joy Baisch explain the project. The attendees then split up into groups to discuss the the following items and form committees to begin working on these individual projects:
- Pedestrian Trail from Larry's Chevron to the Rochester Primary/Elementary School area east of town.
- Sidewalks from the Rochester Middle School to Bailey's IGA west of town.
- Village Center/Main Street Theme.
- Completion of the Grand Mound Rochester Park Association "Independent Park" project at the Rochester Community Center.
- Rochester Community Center Courtyard renovation for Community Activities.
- Develop Continuing Rooster of Volunteers for the Rochester Community Library and future expansion.
- Develop a Rochester Community Swimming Pool.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Rochester Horizons Project "Visioning Event" Luncheon
************Mark your calendar***********
1st Annual Rochester Community Potluck & BBQ!
Rochester Community Center Courtyard
(Old Primary School on Hwy 12)
June 14, (right after church) @ 1-3pm
Rochester Water Assoc., Horizons & WSU
Pulled BBQ pork, Shredded BBQ chicken provided.
Bring your potluck dish and brainstorming ideas,
as there will be a short presentation of Rochester area improvement possibilities.
Help choose area projects to participate in.
For more information: 273– 0707
1st Annual Rochester Community Potluck & BBQ!
Rochester Community Center Courtyard
(Old Primary School on Hwy 12)
June 14, (right after church) @ 1-3pm
Rochester Water Assoc., Horizons & WSU
Pulled BBQ pork, Shredded BBQ chicken provided.
Bring your potluck dish and brainstorming ideas,
as there will be a short presentation of Rochester area improvement possibilities.
Help choose area projects to participate in.
For more information: 273– 0707
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Rochester Community "Visioning Event"
A Luncheon to present "The Rochester Horizons Project"to the Rochester Community will be held Sunday, June 14th at the Rochester Community Center between 1:00 to 3:00 PM. It will include BBQ pulled pork for sandwiches & a salad. All Rochester residents are encouraged to attend but so we know how many will be coming please contact Donna Weaver Smith at (360) 273-0707 or e-mail her at
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rochester Basic Computer Literacy for Adults
The plan for the “Basic Computer Literacy” for adults to help people in poverty become more employable is being finalized. The initial student will be a client of Washington State Labor & Industries who is being re-trained for other employment. It is anticipated this initial class will begin the first week of July.
The “Basic Computer Literacy” course will include instruction on basic computer, Internet use, word processing and spreadsheets. Each of these four sections will be broken down into short 2-hour modules of learning for a total of twenty-one sessions.
The “Basic Computer Literacy” course will include instruction on basic computer, Internet use, word processing and spreadsheets. Each of these four sections will be broken down into short 2-hour modules of learning for a total of twenty-one sessions.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Rochester Community Gardens
A Short History of the Rochester Community Gardens Project By Bill Liddle (May 5, 2009)
While manning the Grand Mound Rochester Park Association (GMRPA) booth during the Swede Day Festival last June, I was approached by Rochelle, a staff member of GRUB, (Garden Raised Bounty). GRUB is a non-profit group based in Olympia, Washington that is promoting organic gardening. She asked me if GMRPA would help them establish a community garden project in our park in Rochester. GRUB had a grant, which would provide materials to construct the garden plots.
Rochelle felt the GMRPA Park in Rochester was the most desirable location because of being near the center of town and several mobile home parks nearby with numerous low-income people. My initial response was it was a noble idea but I didn’t think it could happen. There were two prime obstacles that needed to be overcome: water availability and the fact the park was on land owned by the Rochester School District. We, GMRPA, had been totally unsuccessful in trying to convince the School District Maintenance supervisor to allow us to install an outside faucet so we could water the trees and shrubs we were wanting to plant in the park.
I did arrange for her to make a presentation to the GMRPA board of directors and also invited the maintenance supervisor to be present. We discussed the many hurdles that would need to be addressed. All agreed it was a fantastic idea that should be explored further. The maintenance supervisor agreed to present the idea to the school board for their decision. Most of us were quite surprised when the answer came back with their approval of the project.
Within a short time period other organizations were brought into the discussions and a collation of eight agencies was formed consisting of GRUB (Garden Raised Bounty), ROOF, WSU/Master Gardeners, Rising River Farm, 4H, the Rochester School District and the Rochester Water Association with the Grand Mound Rochester Park Association as the lead organization. The mission statement for this project is to “Provide help to people with limited space to grow their own vegetables.” An additional goal is to provide assistance in the form of education about how to grow, prepare for eating and to preserve for later use the vegetables from these garden plots.
On a Friday and Saturday in November a crew of local community members and GRUB workers gathered to construct nine 4 x 8 foot plots for wheelchair-bound individuals and thirteen 8 x 8 foot plots which were then filled with soil.
Fencing materials have been purchased to enclose the garden plot area. Gardening tools have been purchased and will be available for use by those who sign up for the plots and two water faucets have been installed. A shed to store the tools in will be built prior to the spring garden season.
On Friday, February 13th several individuals from the collation, community members, potential gardeners, and Hart High School students gathered to place “hog fuel” in between the garden plots to reduce weed growth and give us a clean surface to walk on. Additional work parties will be formed to install the fence and build the shed. On April 25th five of us gathered to build the 8 foot by 8 foot garden tool storage building. It is now complete except for painting and placing the shingles on the roof, which will be done as weather permits. The fencing materials previously purchased, are waiting on good weather to be installed.
The people who have signed up for the garden plots have been low-income individual except for one person who will raise vegetables to be given to the area food banks. This is the first of many more projects planned to help reduce poverty in the Grand Mound Rochester area.
While manning the Grand Mound Rochester Park Association (GMRPA) booth during the Swede Day Festival last June, I was approached by Rochelle, a staff member of GRUB, (Garden Raised Bounty). GRUB is a non-profit group based in Olympia, Washington that is promoting organic gardening. She asked me if GMRPA would help them establish a community garden project in our park in Rochester. GRUB had a grant, which would provide materials to construct the garden plots.
Rochelle felt the GMRPA Park in Rochester was the most desirable location because of being near the center of town and several mobile home parks nearby with numerous low-income people. My initial response was it was a noble idea but I didn’t think it could happen. There were two prime obstacles that needed to be overcome: water availability and the fact the park was on land owned by the Rochester School District. We, GMRPA, had been totally unsuccessful in trying to convince the School District Maintenance supervisor to allow us to install an outside faucet so we could water the trees and shrubs we were wanting to plant in the park.
I did arrange for her to make a presentation to the GMRPA board of directors and also invited the maintenance supervisor to be present. We discussed the many hurdles that would need to be addressed. All agreed it was a fantastic idea that should be explored further. The maintenance supervisor agreed to present the idea to the school board for their decision. Most of us were quite surprised when the answer came back with their approval of the project.
Within a short time period other organizations were brought into the discussions and a collation of eight agencies was formed consisting of GRUB (Garden Raised Bounty), ROOF, WSU/Master Gardeners, Rising River Farm, 4H, the Rochester School District and the Rochester Water Association with the Grand Mound Rochester Park Association as the lead organization. The mission statement for this project is to “Provide help to people with limited space to grow their own vegetables.” An additional goal is to provide assistance in the form of education about how to grow, prepare for eating and to preserve for later use the vegetables from these garden plots.
On a Friday and Saturday in November a crew of local community members and GRUB workers gathered to construct nine 4 x 8 foot plots for wheelchair-bound individuals and thirteen 8 x 8 foot plots which were then filled with soil.
Fencing materials have been purchased to enclose the garden plot area. Gardening tools have been purchased and will be available for use by those who sign up for the plots and two water faucets have been installed. A shed to store the tools in will be built prior to the spring garden season.
On Friday, February 13th several individuals from the collation, community members, potential gardeners, and Hart High School students gathered to place “hog fuel” in between the garden plots to reduce weed growth and give us a clean surface to walk on. Additional work parties will be formed to install the fence and build the shed. On April 25th five of us gathered to build the 8 foot by 8 foot garden tool storage building. It is now complete except for painting and placing the shingles on the roof, which will be done as weather permits. The fencing materials previously purchased, are waiting on good weather to be installed.
The people who have signed up for the garden plots have been low-income individual except for one person who will raise vegetables to be given to the area food banks. This is the first of many more projects planned to help reduce poverty in the Grand Mound Rochester area.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project Steering Committee Meeting, April 21, 2009
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons April 21, 2009 Meeting @ Rochester Community Library
The meeting was called to order by Joe Baisch at 7:00 PM
Those present were: Joe Baisch, Joy Baisch, Suzanne Brown, Joan Hitchcock, Sheila Gray, Gene Weaver, Donna Smith, Marty Paterson, Stacy Winters, and Bill Liddle.
Joe summarized the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Activities during the period of the Fall 2008/Spring 2009 by stating we have finished the “Study Circles” and “Leadership Plenty” phases. Additionally, the Rochester Water Association has agreed to have the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project as a sub-committee of their organization. They are a IRS designated 501(c)6 non-profit. Joe also explained that our next step is the “Visioning” phase where we must survey at least 15% of the community asking for their input. This task is already underway with the survey questionnaire being sent by the Rochester Water Association.
The following people were selected/volunteered to serve in these positions for the coming year as the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Steering Committee. Susanne Brown, Co-chair; Bill Liddle, Secretary; and Joan Hitchcock, Treasurer. The positions of Steering Committee Vice-chair and Board Members remain unfilled at this time.
A discussion of the “Visioning Event” which will need to occur soon after the survey results have been received and analyzed. This event will bring the entire community together to select/propose projects to help reduce poverty in the area. It was tentatively agreed this event would be held at either the Rochester Middle School or the Rochester Community Center on Sunday afternoon, June 14, 2009. Donna Smith agreed to research a food caterer (possibly Bar-B-Que sandwiches & salads). Marty Paterson will check into location availability and promotion of the event with-in the community.
Joe mentioned one of the “Reduce Poverty” tasks already being initiated is a “Basic Computer Literacy” program for adults. Course materials are already in place and much of the preliminary planning has been done. This program will be for adults to help them become more employable.
No follow-up meeting was scheduled at this time because most, if not all, of the immediate issues can be transacted by e-mail. The next formal meeting will be set later and all interested individuals will be notified by e-mail.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle, Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project
The meeting was called to order by Joe Baisch at 7:00 PM
Those present were: Joe Baisch, Joy Baisch, Suzanne Brown, Joan Hitchcock, Sheila Gray, Gene Weaver, Donna Smith, Marty Paterson, Stacy Winters, and Bill Liddle.
Joe summarized the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Activities during the period of the Fall 2008/Spring 2009 by stating we have finished the “Study Circles” and “Leadership Plenty” phases. Additionally, the Rochester Water Association has agreed to have the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project as a sub-committee of their organization. They are a IRS designated 501(c)6 non-profit. Joe also explained that our next step is the “Visioning” phase where we must survey at least 15% of the community asking for their input. This task is already underway with the survey questionnaire being sent by the Rochester Water Association.
The following people were selected/volunteered to serve in these positions for the coming year as the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Steering Committee. Susanne Brown, Co-chair; Bill Liddle, Secretary; and Joan Hitchcock, Treasurer. The positions of Steering Committee Vice-chair and Board Members remain unfilled at this time.
A discussion of the “Visioning Event” which will need to occur soon after the survey results have been received and analyzed. This event will bring the entire community together to select/propose projects to help reduce poverty in the area. It was tentatively agreed this event would be held at either the Rochester Middle School or the Rochester Community Center on Sunday afternoon, June 14, 2009. Donna Smith agreed to research a food caterer (possibly Bar-B-Que sandwiches & salads). Marty Paterson will check into location availability and promotion of the event with-in the community.
Joe mentioned one of the “Reduce Poverty” tasks already being initiated is a “Basic Computer Literacy” program for adults. Course materials are already in place and much of the preliminary planning has been done. This program will be for adults to help them become more employable.
No follow-up meeting was scheduled at this time because most, if not all, of the immediate issues can be transacted by e-mail. The next formal meeting will be set later and all interested individuals will be notified by e-mail.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle, Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tuesday Evening, April 21st Meeting Moved to Rochester Community Library
The meeting tomorrow evening, April 21, 2009, has been moved from the conference room at the Rochester Community Center to the Rochester Community Library. The library is in the same building as the conference room but the entrance is across the courtyard. As you enter the courtyard from Bend Street the Library is across the courtyard and slightly to your left.
Also, to those who hve received questionaires in the mail please complete and return them in the provided envelope as soon as possible. Those answers will form the basis of our discussions about the "Vision" for the future of the Grand Mound Rochester area. Your input is a vital part of this discussion! Come out to be a part of the discussions because everyone has something to add.
Also, to those who hve received questionaires in the mail please complete and return them in the provided envelope as soon as possible. Those answers will form the basis of our discussions about the "Vision" for the future of the Grand Mound Rochester area. Your input is a vital part of this discussion! Come out to be a part of the discussions because everyone has something to add.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Remember the meeting Tuesday, April 21st
Remember the next meeting of the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons group is this coming Tuesday, April 21st. We will be meeting in the conference room at the Rochester Community Center from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. All area residents are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings.
Turn north onto Bend Street from Hwy 12 just one block east of the traffic light. The building entrance is to your left as you enter the courtyard.
This meeting will be the first of several looking at the vision for your community. Every one has something to offer and your input is not only welcome but is also vital for deciding the future of the Grand Mound Rochester community.
Turn north onto Bend Street from Hwy 12 just one block east of the traffic light. The building entrance is to your left as you enter the courtyard.
This meeting will be the first of several looking at the vision for your community. Every one has something to offer and your input is not only welcome but is also vital for deciding the future of the Grand Mound Rochester community.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
New Meeting Time & Date
We will meet again on Tuesday evening, April 21, 2009 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the conference room at the Rochester Community Center. Enter the building from the Bend Street side of the building. The door is to your left as you enter the courtyard.
Your continued participation in this project is needed for it to be successful - everyone has something to contribute!
Below is a copy of the message I received from Joe Baisch this afternoon bringing us up-to-date information.
Hello Folks.. We have not forgot about you....We meet with the Rochester Water Association last week to discuss placing the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project under their Non Profit Corporation. We brought with us the Horizons Community Survey that was used last year. Lowell Deguise offered to send out the survey if we would print it.....It was dilivered to him on Monday April 6th. If you recall...We needed to attempt to contact at least 15% of your community to introduce the Horizons Project and during the Visioning Phase, bring the community together to introduce projects, add projects to the list, establish working committees and get going with all the great ideas community folks have offered. On Tuesday April 21 we will disucss when and where we will hold the Community Visioning Meeting. Bill and Susanne have co chaired the project thus far...We will talk about what the steering Committee responsibilities will look like after the Visioning Meeting and what will happen during the Action Phase of Horizons....Please contact everyone who has participated thus far and invite them to the meeting. In addition, let everyone know that the Horizons surveys will be comming in the mail soon and to please return them ASAP. More Later...Thanks Joe
Your continued participation in this project is needed for it to be successful - everyone has something to contribute!
Below is a copy of the message I received from Joe Baisch this afternoon bringing us up-to-date information.
Hello Folks.. We have not forgot about you....We meet with the Rochester Water Association last week to discuss placing the Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Project under their Non Profit Corporation. We brought with us the Horizons Community Survey that was used last year. Lowell Deguise offered to send out the survey if we would print it.....It was dilivered to him on Monday April 6th. If you recall...We needed to attempt to contact at least 15% of your community to introduce the Horizons Project and during the Visioning Phase, bring the community together to introduce projects, add projects to the list, establish working committees and get going with all the great ideas community folks have offered. On Tuesday April 21 we will disucss when and where we will hold the Community Visioning Meeting. Bill and Susanne have co chaired the project thus far...We will talk about what the steering Committee responsibilities will look like after the Visioning Meeting and what will happen during the Action Phase of Horizons....Please contact everyone who has participated thus far and invite them to the meeting. In addition, let everyone know that the Horizons surveys will be comming in the mail soon and to please return them ASAP. More Later...Thanks Joe
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Presentation to the Grand Mound Rochester Citizen's Group
The Rochester Horizons Project program outline was presented to the GRAND MOUND ROCHESTER CITIZEN'S GROUP at their meeting Tuesday evening the 10th of March.
It is hoped this group will agree to join the Rochester Horizons Project as a partner. They are already a 501 c (3) organization with a mission of improving the Rochester and surrounding community.
It is hoped this group will agree to join the Rochester Horizons Project as a partner. They are already a 501 c (3) organization with a mission of improving the Rochester and surrounding community.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Action Items Identified during the Study Circles Phase of the Rochester Horizons Project
- Rochester Horizons Project
Action Items Identified during the Study Circles Phase of the Rochester Horizons Project
Create community theme Experience Rochester (As a group – discover what Rochester has to offer.) Home based business, etc.
History & resources
Recreational opportunities that currently exist
Compile findings and update Resource Book
Newspaper (but here)
Contribute for existing newspaper
Distribute via website, electronic newsletter, visitor center, signage, community information fair, existing newspaper
Pictorial history @ visitors center/Historical center
School Admin (the existing) building for visitor/Historical center
Use of school facilities for education about community issues
Theater – Movie/Stage
Burma shave type “Welcome to community” signs
Concert in the park
Something interactive to incorporate community history
Bike trail/walking trail
Sidewalks & road shoulders
Combine college & Library center
Farmers market/business fair
Collaborate with schools/grub
Collaborate with community center (ROOF, Library, groups)
HIEFER Project (commercialize Swede Hall kitchen)
Youth & Senior Citizens involvement
Mentoring Church action groups
o Adult mentoring
o Parenting
o Cooking/baking
o Outdoor activities
o Building repairs to Swede Hall
Business listing (Billboard)
Bartering Co-op
Bus system
Satellite system for services – DSHS,, etc .,senior, college, feed banks, & counseling
Continued diligence against illegal drugs
Community signage (where things are, ie, parks, Lucky Eagle, freeway)
Electronic newsletter
Singles club
Resource training/education liaison
Center to include satellite offices for DSHS, Work Source, Food Banks, Senior & College counseling, Social Security)
Farmers market/business fair
Workshops for ethic education
Return of WIC to Rochester
Personal invitation helps build relationships to gain more involvement by other people
Build volunteer base for Library
Neighborhood watch
Buy locally
Resource/exchange (helping those who are hurting but don’t show it outwardly)
Involve high school students in community activities
Low-cost meals and additional state support for schools that pass levies
Entrepreneurship fair to educate people about potential apprenticeship programs
Local senior center has only 6 to 11 people show up for “senior meals”
Personal invitation helps build relationships to gain more involvement by other people
Community forum on “work ethic work-shop”
“Cash flow for Kids” game as a means of teaching financial responsibility
Make Rochester the Folk Dancing capitol of Washington State using Swede Hall as the focal point.
GIS partnership to train kids to be analysts
Fire department to use GIS for their trucks on way to a fire
We need to adopt a mission statement to incorporate technology teachings into the community
o Block Watch
o Involve middle school students and staff in some activity at the park
o Small groups needed to start “lending Circle”
o Discrimination - age, language culture etc.
o Unite various community groups
o New businesses/grow existing businesses
o Grow local jobs
o Guide local growth
o Art Tours
o Increase volunteerism
o Community pride - Flag at Post Office not displayed on holidays and other times
o Use of schools for community events
o Rochester Leadership
o Resource case-worker training
o Visitors Historical Center type of central information resource
Additional Things we can do to increase our ability to convince people/groups to invest in our community!
o Build a resume of successful small projects
o Keep track of volunteer hours on community projects which can then be used as matching funds
o Look at an organizational structure that will form the basis of getting started
Thursday, March 5, 2009
LeadershipPlenty Section
The LeadershipPlenty section was completed on Tuesday evenig (03-03-09) Our next meeting is to present the Rochester Horizons Project to the Grand Mound Rochester Citizen's Group on next Tuesday evening (03-10-09) at Swede Hall (On Albany Street 1/2 mile south of Hwy 12). The meeting starts at 7:00 PM and all Rochester residents are encouraged to attend.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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